
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Inside-the-Label Marketing Strategy: Nestle 100 Grand Chocolate

I am not certain how many companies have used this method. I call in “inside-the-label-marketing” because there is marketing in the form of advertising going on inside where you do not expect it. A text is written or certain promos of just words of encouragement from the company. 

My Business View:

First I notice this with Dove soap. Dove has like inspirational text written inside their label. Just when you are about to throw wrappers like this, it catches your attention because you wonder what is on it. Normally, we do not mind the wrapper but when you get a glimpse that some text are there, an initial reaction from a typical human being is to read it!

In my opinion, this is a great way to catch someone’s attention. At least it caught mine. When I ate the chocolate at first, I read the entire text written inside out of curiosity. (The cat is still alive!) It gives me a feeling personally that the company has thought of down to the tiniest detail. It made me feel the company cares of the consumers more than just earning money, although it actually a way to add up to their income. I wish all companies should be keen on simple details because there are some people who notice this kind of “art”.

This marketing strategy can be used as to advertise promos, to promote events, or simply, like Dove, to give a good feeling to the consumers.

Do you think this kind of marketing strategy is effective? Does it appeal to you?

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Till next time,
Miss D

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