
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Filipino Pyschology of Sachet Buying

 As a Filipina, its often a wonder to me the existence of several small retails stores or locally known as “sari-sari”. In other countries, these stores are nowhere to be found. What they have are convenient stores which retail items in singles. The function of sari-sari stores in the Philippines and convenient stores abroad may appear equally the same but there is a big difference and the two are incomparable.

Undeniably, Filipino is fond of buying products in singles for instant consumption. Generally, Filipinos do not buy in bulk in or bigger packs. The tendency of a normal Filipino buyer is to purchase one in single packs so I believe the “Sachet Marketing” is born. A Filipino prefers to buy a sachet of coffee for the present need that to buy a bigger jar of coffee for the entire week. The next day, A Filipino would grab again another sachet. This goes the same with shampoo, toothpaste and other commodities. As a matter of fact, even cooking oil now comes in company packed sachet. Or the sari-sari store owner re-packs in an amount relative to the price. For instance, cooking oil can be bought in 5 Php, in 10 Php or in 20 Php. This is sari-sari store effective marketing strategy.

The Filipinos love for sachet items can be accounted the value of money a typical Filipino earns. Although buying in bulk can actually save, financially speaking, most Filipinos would rather use the remaining money for something else than buying a whole pack of something.

Unlike, in other countries abroad small sachets are freebies given to costumer from hotels, restaurants or shops. In the Philippines, these sachets are for serious retailing. Perhaps this is sign of being a Third World Country or a Developing Country. Companies make smaller packs so the people living below the poverty line can still afford to shampoo, drink coffee at least on a daily basis.

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